A clever, sharply written and fabulously acted work. If you like a good philosophical argument that leaves you with plenty of food for thought and perhaps new ideas on the meaning of life, this could be the play for you. ChiswickW4.com
Heresy is deeply thoughtful, the arguments are elegant, pitting well the anxiety of the Church against the push for discourse by the Cathars. Nick Simons performance as the elderly blind philosopher, Don Felipe is top dollar. Monkey Matters Theatre Reviews
A thought-provoking exploration of a dark period of history. Beautiful new writing. everything theatre
The ambition and seriousness mark it out from other new contemporary plays. what’speenseen
All photographs reproduced courtesy of Ian Trayner
The production of Heresy ran until 22 March 2014 at The Tabard Theatre near Turnham Green tube Chiswick
Box Office 0208 995 6035 or online: http://www.tabardweb.co.uk/on.htm
Information about the pub: http://www.taylor-walker.co.uk/pub/tabard-chiswick/m2617/
More reviews: http://in-between.org.uk/performance/heresy-at-the-tabard/