Miessaarenselkä, Gulf of Finland
Winter becomes |
Talven valkeus laskeutuu |
The alchemy of a man |
Jäähän valettuna jalanjälki |
dissolving silently |
sulautuen vaitonaisesti |
Its vaulted |
Lukittuna synkkien muistojen |
its transcendent heartbeat felt |
Lapsen kaikenvoittavan sydämenlyönnin |
of a coffin left stained, |
jättäen hautajaisriitin arkun tahrituksi |
Ted McNamara
(Finnish translation by Nina Rautonen)
(The essence of the poem is drawn from the sorrow of war, particularly in this instance from what became known as the Winter War fought between the invading, mostly conscripted, Russian armies and a Finnish nation determined to remain independent. It was a bitterly cold winter with temperatures on the Karelian Isthmus reaching a low of – 43 C. The ghosted remains of slain bodies were often left imprinted in ice while the bodies themselves were drawn down into the deep of lakes and forest marshes in many cases never to be found.)